February 27, 2009

school dance

The 5th graders and the 4th graders are all learning dances: merenge` and the waltz. So our teacher ( miss. smith) wanted us to write a story about dancing here it is!!

dancing with the stars

Could you imagine having almost 18 dance lessons? 1-3 dance lessons a week?

Well let me tell you dancing is like eating dessert!
In fact, dancing is so fun I wish I could waltz and merenge` every day!
Yes it's true waltz is slow merenge` is fast, waltz is floating merenge`is jumpy.
They have a plethora of differences but, if I had to choose my favorite it would be the merenge`.
For example I love the way our bodies just move back and forth to the music.
I'm always scared about the steps, will I perform the moves right?
What if I step on my partners' toe, that would not be good!!!
Somtimes my partners hands get all sweaty or they start shaking like crazy, but no need to imbarece them.
I always ponder that my dance partner would laugh at me if I make a mistake.
Well actually, when ever they laugh it's funny to me too!!
My favorite thing about the merenge` is how our hips move back and forth.

(well at least some of the boys did that) another funny thing is when our dance teacher says "love pistles" our whole class giggles under our breath. "love pistles" are when the boys make their hands look like guns and we put our hands on theirs. One thing I learned is: it dosen't matter who your dancing with aslong as your dancing and having fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like dance class is alot of fun. Dance your feet off, you go girl.
