August 12, 2009

Socks,Olive,Peal WHATEVER!!!! and turning around


When we were at my cousins house (which was very fun) hunter,Amanda,Roo,and I were riding our bikes downtown and guess what we found.....

A KITTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First we named her socks,then pearl,then mittens! We finally called her Olive,She was SO cute hunter and roo got to keep her though....So yesterday we started to go home, and about 20 minutes away from roo's home we turned around because my mom said she wanted to bring roo with us to Portland so we came back and picked her up we left again, I called my dad and told him we would be late because we forgot the "sleeping bags" he said okay but don't forget to get the fishing poles. And we did...

so we had to turn around again and get the poles....when we got them we left without Amanda! so we came back AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that was our funny visit to the cousins house. SO now Roo is at our house!! YYYYYYYYYYYYAY


Danielle said...

LOL!! That is so funny! Cute kitten too!

campbells said...

that kitten is so cute, it looks just like my kitten but darker and its a girl! by the way i'm corrines freind daisy!!

hunter said...

you mean but socks by the way corrine didnt want that kitten so its MINE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vicky said...

Cute cute little Olive : )

Tamara with a "T" said...

what a cute little kitten...meow...!!!

Anonymous said...

Roo didn't want the kitten? HOW DARE SHE!!!! :P :P
--Emily B
